
新成员指南 For New Member

  • 之后在
    成员书单 Member Book List
    /ForAdd 中添加书籍
    • 至少五本最近读完觉得不错的书,如果有相关读后文章更好,标记为 Finished 状态
    • 最多两本当前在读的书,标记为 Reading 状态
    • 浏览
      书单汇总 Book Summary
      中其他成员的书,选取一本作为下一周的阅读书目,标记为 Club Reading 状态
  • 碰头会时间为周一晚上八点,使用飞书会议举行
  • 在碰头会前读完 Club Reading 的书,标记为 Finished 状态,并更新 Finished At 日期以及 Post-reading 中的读后文章链接
  • 如果没有完成的话就不需要参加碰头会了
  • 碰头会流程
    • 开摄像头
    • 最先到的人可以先分享或者指定其他人先分享,然后每个人分享完后指定下一个分享人(主持人最后分享)
    • 依次分享自己读过的书以及读后感
      • 如果是读了某一成员的被推荐书目,对应成员需要进行简单的反馈,深入交流可以放在后续的自由讨论环节
    • 依次分享自己要选的下一本书以及理由
    • 自由讨论

  • After that, add books in
    成员书单 Member Book List
    • At least five books that you have recently read and found to be good, preferably with related post-read articles, marked with Finished status
    • Up to two books currently being read, marked with Reading status
    • Browse
      书单汇总 Book Summary
      the books of other members in and choose one book for the next week, mark it as Club Reading status
  • The meeting time is every Monday at 8pm, using Tencent meetings.
  • Finish the Club Reading book before the meeting, mark it as Finished, and update the date of Finished At and the link to the post-reading article in Post-reading.
    • If you don't finish the book, you don't need to join the meeting.
  • Weekly meeting process
    • Open camera
    • The first person to arrive can share first or designate others to share first, then after each person has shared, designate the next person to share (the host will share last)
    • Share the books they have read and their thoughts after reading them in turn
      • If a member has read a recommended book, the corresponding member needs to give a brief feedback, in-depth communication can be put in the subsequent free discussion session
    • Share in turn the next book they want to choose and their reasons
    • Free discussion